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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Chapter 2: The Sisters Grimm #1 Fairy Tale Detectives

Posted by Lara Parent

Pages 28-37

In the beginning of this chapter we learn of some of the girls' other foster families and their clever and daring escapes on pages 31-32.

Why do you think Daphne sabotaged their escape (p. 34)?

Who are you most-like personality-wise: Sabrina or Daphne? Explain why? Think about what you would do in the book if you were in it and which character would you most act like?

Make a prediction after you read the last line on page 37. What's going on with these bugs?


Anonymous said...

Well, I think Daphne likes Granny Relda.She actually enjoys hes crazy recipes.And SHE doesn't want to leave.Why does Sabrina hate Granny Relda so much? What if she is their Grandma? What then? If they do leave her, wouldn't that be leaving their own family? I really think they should stay.

Anonymous said...

Daphne wanted to stay with Granny Relda because she feeds them spaghetti and pancakes.
I think I'm most like Daphne because
I would want to stay with Granny Relda because I like pancakes and spaghetti and she has lots of books and i like books.
I predicted that Mr.Canis will see the girls and bring them back inside and yell at them for 10 hours. With all the bugs together the form a giant.

Anonymous said...

Probably because she wanted to stay with granny Relda because daphne likes her. I probably would be like daphne because she likes taking diffrent chances.Also I think I am like her because I like the things she likes.I think the bugs are lightning bugs.Mr Canis will find them.

Anonymous said...

I think Daphne sabotaged their escape because she liked Mrs. Grimm and thought that she wasn't weird. I am like Daphne because I am kind of curious like her in a way and kind of not. I would stay until I think I am not liking Mrs. Grimm.I would act like Daphne a little. I think the bugs are like Mr. Canis's pets that are like guard and they are evil and bite like vampire bats.

Anonymous said...

Great questions, Kariana!
What if she IS their Grandma?
I am torn....I kind of think they should stay like Daphne, but I'd be a little scared and unsure like Sabrina.
After all, their dad did tell them their granny was dead. Why would he tell them she was dead?? Parents usually don't lie to kids.
I would be a little freaked out that the whole house was locked from the inside and outside...especially after all of their other horrible previous experiences.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm more like Daphne. I like to get to know people before I judge them. Give Granny Relda a chance, she really likes Sabrina and Daphne. Pleeaassee give her a chance. She's really nice:)

Anonymous said...

I think that Daphne sabotaged their escape because Daphne likes Mrs.Grimm.
I would be like Daphne because I would probably like Mrs.Grimm also. I would also sabotage the escape.
I think that the bug's are bee's and I don't know were the light is coming from?

Anonymous said...

Interesting idea about the bugs forming a giant. I can tell you are a reader with that kind of imagination.
So for Daphne, is it really ALL about the food?? (I know she is a food-lover...but)
Is there, could there be more to it? Weigh in, the rest of you. What does everyone else think???

Anonymous said...

Yes and no. In some part, she did sabotage their escape, and in some other part, she didn't.I would know why Sabrina is suspected in the lady that said she is their grandmother. Their father did tell them that their grandma is dead. Daphne thinks that she is not bad at all.I would say that I'm mostly like Sabrina and Daphne. I would sometimes suspect someone and at the same time,I would respect their compassion.
Maybe the bugs are trying to tell them something. That maybe they need help.

Anonymous said...

Yes and no. In some part, she did sabotage their escape, and in some other part, she didn't.I would know why Sabrina is suspected in the lady that said she is their grandmother. Their father did tell them that their grandma is dead. Daphne thinks that she is not bad at all.I would say that I'm mostly like Sabrina and Daphne. I would sometimes suspect someone and at the same time,I would respect their compassion.
Maybe the bugs are trying to tell them something. That maybe they need help.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think Daphne likes Granny so much? What IS it about her?
What kinds of things do you like that she likes?
If the lightning bugs were just lightning bugs, why is Mr. Canis so freaked out about them?

Anonymous said...

I think because she really trusts her granny and that she seems nice and peaceful but Sabrina is not buying it .Daphne because she gives people chances.I think that they are evil and trying to trick them.

Anonymous said...

I think because she really trusts her granny and that she seems nice and peaceful but Sabrina is not buying it .Daphne because she gives people chances.I think that they are evil and trying to trick them.

Anonymous said...

But why does Daphne like Granny Relda? What IS it about her?
Interesting bug theory.

Anonymous said...

I like your comment about not judging people. Sometimes that is hard for people to do.

Anonymous said...

What is it about Ms. Grimm that Daphne likes?

Anonymous said...

What do mean in some ways Daphne sabotaged and didn't sabotage the plan?...explain a little more.
Interesting idea about the bugs, I think a few of you are on the same wave length.

Anonymous said...

Carlos, I like that you are like Daphne and give people chances. A few of the other people in our group agree with you. :)
More bug theories....interesting.

Anonymous said...

Dantrell, your comments disappeared!

Anonymous said...

I think that Sabrina is gonna start liking grandma grim