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Monday, May 12, 2008

Fairy Tale Detectives pages 50-63

Posted by Lara Parent

What do you think of Mayor Charming (AKA: Prince Charming)? Is he like the Prince Charming from Snow White and the 7 dwarves?

Why do you think Mayor Charming wants the Grimm family to "die out"?

So....who is Mr. Canis? From what fairy tale does he come?

Write your best RED HOT and DEEP thought for the group.

Write your best RED HOT and DEEP question for the group. (No yes or no questions, please...)


Anonymous said...

No way!!!!! He's like the meanest person I've heard of. I mean,did you how he treated Mr.seven? He seamed like a servant!I wonder why Mr.Seven won't do anything?I can't believe that Snow White had to marry him?! He's such a jerk!

Anonymous said...

No way he is more like evil prince charming.I don't even know how he could even try being prince charming.I think that he wants the Grimm family to die out because he does not like them.Ithink Mr Canis came from Little Red Riding Hood because the big bad wolf.Why is Mr.Canis so mean.

Anonymous said...

I think Mayor charming is a big jerk, because he treats Mr.Seven like a house elf and he thinks he's all that. I think he wants them to die out because maybe he wants to solve the crime, or maybe he just doesn't like the Grimm family. Mr.Canis comes from the 3 little pigs.

Anonymous said...

Kariana I agree with you. I mean he is such a jerk and he is the meanest person I have ever hear of.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Charming is nothing like the Prince Charming in "Snow White and the 7 dwarves. He is rude and territorial.He is the meanest mayor alive!I wish that Snow White never married him. He is very mean to Mr.Seven(one of Snow White's dwarves):( Mayor Charming wants them to "die out" because he thinks that they never grasp that in order to solve a mystery, there is a mystery to be solved.And he also called the Grims "cockroaches." Mr. Canis comes from either "Little Red Riding Hood" or "The Three Little Pigs" because there is a wolf in both of the stories.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Charming is nothing like prince charming in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves!
I think mayor charming wants the Grimm family to die out because mabey he didn't like grandpa Grimm and he doesn't like grandma Grimm either.
Mr.Canis is grandma Grimm's friend and he help's her around the house.Mr.Canis is either from the three little

Anonymous said...

Mayor Charming is not like Prince Charming really ,he is mean. I think he does because he thinks the girls are like their grandpa in some way.Mr. Canis is like the big bad wolf in the three little pigs story because Canis means wolf and he is kind of bad and he is from little red riding hood.I think something will happen and give out clues.